COVID-19. The impact of the outbreak on businesses no longer needs an introduction. But as we work with more and more Shopify stores, we learn a few more things about sustaining your brand even during these tough times. From all our conversations, came forward the one channel that most of your customers are expecting to hear from you on - email.In this blog, we’re not talking about how to drive more sales. We’re talking about something a little more sensitive - what your customers want to hear from you. The Shopify email marketing campaigns you need to have in place.PS. To make sure your emails don't land in spam, remember to verify your domain. Here's how.
Shopify email marketing campaigns you should be sending out right now
1. Your COVID-19 response
The very first email that your customers expect from you is your response to COVID-19.No, they don’t want you to share more tips to remain safe. They just want to know how your business in relation to them is adapting to the changes around us and the laws being imposed on eCommerce.Based on which industry your business is in, your Shopify email marketing campaign must include details about:
- Whether or not you’re going to continue accepting orders
- Whether or not you’re going to be able to deliver the orders during this period
- Which of your product ranges will be available and which will no longer be available for purchase
- What your order shipping and delivery period will now look like considering supply chain delays and restrictions on logistics
- How your business, if accepting and delivering orders, is making sure of 100% hygiene and standards set by health organizations
- The offers you’re currently running or in-store credits that you’re offering to make the purchases more pocket friendly
- The volume discounts available on specific products and how they can avail them
2. Back in stock emails
If your Shopify store is actively selling products, you’re going to see some items go out of stock sooner than others. The reason could be a sudden upsurge in customer demands, a change in the market scenario or even the lag in your supply chain that refueled the inventory of the product.Either way, you should be offering shoppers a way to subscribe to out-of-stock products. If it’s something they were looking for, they’d want an easier way to keep a tab on when the product is coming back.By simply implementing a back in stock subscription form on your product page, you can let shoppers subscribe to restock alerts.So as soon your product is restocked, they’re notified of the same so that they can come back to your store and make the purchase.You can do this easily by using the Back In Stock app. The app also enables you to push out these restock alerts when a defined amount of inventory is in place for your shoppers to buy from.

3. Product recommendations based on needs/ purchases
A lot of shoppers are making impulsive purchases. In their zeal to stock up on all the essentials, they’re often missing out on things that they would really need in the coming times. That’s where helping your shoppers make informed decisions earns you brownie points for a lifetime!Use your Shopify email marketing campaigns to send out product recommendations based on their previous purchases. These could be products that other customers like them have bought from your store or are in the same category as what they purchased from, or are must-haves during this lockdown period.In fact, you can display product recommendations based on the current customer needs and previous purchases in your back in stock emails too.So you’re not just telling the shopper when a product is restocked, but also recommending what else they should be buying during that visit!You can show product recommendations in your back-in-stock emails with the Wiser for product recommendations and Back In Stock app integration. You can read all about it here.
4. Information on shipping and delivery
Despite a lot of impulsive buying, shoppers are still planning out their budgets and purchases accordingly. So if your store’s still selling products, it’s a good idea to keep them up-to-date with their order shipment and delivery details. That way if they need to make any purchases around what they have bought from you, it can be planned accordingly.It’s also a good idea to include information about any possible delays that may occur or the delivery method they have chosen.For instance, simply sharing how the no-touch delivery or order pick-up would work is a good idea. Everyone’s having a first time now. So guide your customers to safely being able to get their products.
5. Informative content
If you’re in the health industry or offer general necessities, sharing informative content is also a good example of a Shopify email marketing campaign.Using the email, you can basically educate your customers about using your products properly. You can also use the channel to share credible information that you have acquired via reliable sources that will help them keep themselves safe in the coming days, and also help settle the ongoing rumors about the virus and more.Not sure how you can use or create content to keep your customers engaged during COVID-19 via emails? Here are some ideas you need to see!
Will your Shopify email marketing campaign work?
Well, you might be in two minds about sending an email out to your subscribers and customers. But the truth is, that customers are now seeking communication from brands more than ever. They want to get information on who they can purchase from and how, without having to continually visit their sites - sometimes to only return in vain.Remember, the above Shopify email marketing strategies are applicable to only stores that have been permitted to run and are able to let customers make purchases. But they can be tweaked and tailored to suit other stores too, to keep your brand alive in the eyes of your customers!After all, we all know that this phase is soon going to be over. So follow the thumb rule of showing empathy, sharing credible information with your customers and not letting your Shopify get lost in the chaos caused by COVID-19!Know a store that could use this article to strategize their Shopify email marketing campaigns? Share it with them or simply let us know if you need any help!